What a time to be alive! We are experiencing a series of events that we never could have imagined.
These times, if anything, make us realize our power and our powerlessness all at once as we watch our fears and strengths engage in a constant dual.
With professional achievements, creativity and collaboration in mind I embarked on a journey of innovation for my business and already existing sanitation practices.
Here are the adjustments I am putting in palace for our well being, our health, and, of course, our beauty.

Launching my new society ..Sign up here.. My ..YouTube Channel..  And my various collaborations, I am creating more content than ever before in my career.
I firmly believe that these changes will follow me, inspiring a more notable presence online and nourish already flourishing bonds between my clients and I!
My main goal continues to be to provide direct makeup sessions to my clients. I am, after all a business woman first and foremost.
I miss you, your anecdotes, life lessons and most of all, your stunning faces that I take such pride in playing with.
I spent most of the quarantine in full isolation. I live alone and my family is in Ottawa, the city in which I grew up.

Staying on top of the latest news made me understand that my kit is no longer appropriate. As it is now, it does not allow me to work appropriately until we achieve a significant decrease in cases in Canada or secure a vaccine.
Even though I am in excellent health and have no pre-existing conditions, going back to glam too fast could spell disaster for me and my beloved clients.

After all, work directly in the eyes and lips…
I dip back into powders in my kit, a usually completely safe and sanitary practice.

That being said, at this time, doing this could help the spread of harmful bacteria.
According to the ..Pacific Northwest National Laboratory..
Bacterias are amongst the fastest growing organisms in the world, each doubling once each 4 to 20 minutes.

On top of health concerns, I, like everyone else am liable to be fined between 1000$ and 6000$ per offense.

I have taken the time to equip myself with the following products:

More liquid eye shadows
Why?: I can therefore control the amount of product to place on my metal palette and limit my interaction with powder products.

Disposable cover ups
Why?: I will be able to protect myself and my clients from coming in direct contact with each other. Wearing this will be obligatory with no exceptions.

A visor and a mask for me
Why?: To protect myself and my clients during appointments

A mask for my clients during the eye makeup application which will be completed first.
Why?: Again, the mask is to limit any potential contamination

Also, I will only be seeing one client per day
Why? This will allow me the necessary time to clean, disinfect and sterilize my kit after each appointment with Barbicide, alcohol and specialized cleansing products.

Finally, I will have a form for all to sign and release Gabbie McGuire Beauty of any responsibility during and after your appointment.

I will continue to closely monitor all updates and directives given by the François Legeault team as well as Mr. Trudeau’s announcements.

I am proud to be amongst those who followed rules and regulations to the T and will never cease to prioritize your health and wellness.

As of today, I am taking appointments for in studio and at home sessions.

I thank you kindly for patience and understanding.
Ever yours,

I am always thrilled to hear from you.
Have a question or comment? Do not hesitate to write me at
Prefer calling? Great! I love a good chat 🙂 I am happy to assist at 514.773.6918

Hello gorgeous!

I am so happy to count you amongst my readers!

For over 10 years now, makeup artistry has been my greatest passion.

I am thrilled to have this platform on which I can share my love for this industry.

As a consumer, consider yourself in a safe place to learn, get advice and be guided in this ever evolving world of beauty!

Happy reading xoxo

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