Hello beauty! It’s me again…
This article is about why my brand look has changed to be what it is today. I hope you like it!
I have been in the field since my graduation from Edith Serei Academy in 2013.
A lot has changed since I launched my full time freelance business in January 2015. The way business is done is getting more personal. People want to know who you are and what you stand for. Truthfully, I changed as well.
I grew as a person and my value system was taking shape according to what I was going through.
It felt like my branding no longer represented me. Everyone who supports me deserved to know who I was truly becoming so I set out to make changes. It started with my visual identity and here is what I cam up with:
I wanted something that represented me, something fresh, different and yet again: a classic one could spot from a far. It may just look like a rose to you but each element was carefully chosen to represent a piece of my soul (I know…deep right!?)
The rose: Roses are one of my favorite flowers for multiple reasons.
– I find they are the perfect representation of the woman I am trying to become as they come in all sorts of colors and each have their own particularities.
This, to me, represents our diversity and the celebration of the unique characteristics that make each women who they are…
– And like any flower, they bloom which is what I think happens with each of us as we realize our full potential in life on our respective journeys.
The black:
– Although black roses do not appear naturally in nature, I have grown to love the idea of a black rose because of it’s rarity as well as the fact that black is my favorite color.
Finally, the black color symbolizes the beauty that comes in overcoming are the difficult times we are faced with during our lives.
The gold:
Another one of my favorite colors…it symbolizes, perfection and luminosity. These are powerful ideals I try to communicate to my clients.
The word ‘Beauty’:
Probably the most important part of the logo because it is something that we all have.
Beauty lies in our strengths, our flaws and our spirituality as well. Beauty is a part of our womanhood.
The diamond
Again, diamonds are strong, the reflect light and color and are one of the strongest rocks on the planet. They are also featured on my home country flag of Saint-Vincent and the Grenadines. This coupled with the fact that diamons are a girls best friend make it an important part of my logo.
Be clear that when you hire myself or a member of my team you are not hiring us to bring you beauty: you are enlisting our help in revealing the beauty you already have.
We are blessed to count you as a client and serving you during your big occasions is a task we humbly accept.
So there you have it: my brand as it stands today, the representation of who I am. I hope you now understand it and appreciate it as much as I do!
To follow me through my exploration of the word ‘beauty’ check out The Black Rose Project’ HERE