Well hello there

Well hello there

It’s nice to finally meet!


For over 10 years now, makeup artistry has been a passion of mine and I am so happy to have this platform on which I can share my passion for the beauty industry.

I hope to be able to educate you, as a consumer, as to what you should be looking for when shopping for products and what you should avoid all together.

My goal is also to share my opinions from where I stand, with the experiences, encounters and projects I have taken part in.

So consider this my semi-personal journal and your own look into my (cray cray) world.

Ouff! Ok…here goes: Read my 1st post here

Also Watch me speak on my passion en français HERE

Hello gorgeous!

I am so happy to count you amongst my readers!

For over 10 years now, makeup artistry has been my greatest passion.

I am thrilled to have this platform on which I can share my love for this industry.

As a consumer, consider yourself in a safe place to learn, get advice and be guided in this ever evolving world of beauty!

Happy reading xoxo

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